
Find your Manuals for Hero Camper here

We have taken pride in making the Hero Camper a first-class vehicle, with a unique design, awesome built quality and optimal driving abilities. Most people will love the comfort of a Hero Camper. The manuals are designed to answer the most frequent questions regarding the operation, function and care of the many systems that make modern trailering a joy.


The manual for the Hero Camper answers the most frequently asked questions regarding the operation, function and care of the systems.

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Maintenance Manual

The maintenance manual contains tips and tricks on how to best maintain your Hero Camper.

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The brochure has information about measurements, weight, our various package solutions and additional options.

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Micro system manual

Micro system manual contains information and guidance about control panels, modules and batteries.

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Taking care of your camper

Treating your Hero Camper right will keep it in the best condition for years. So we've collected some of the most important points to keeping it in the best condition.

After the First Kilometers

After using your Hero Camper for approx. 100 kilometers we recommend that the wheel bolts are tightened and retighten if necessary. The tightening torque is 100 Nm.

After approx. 500 kilometers (and no later than after 6 months) you should check the wheel bearings and slack in the breaks (have a service center inspect it if necessary). All door and draw gliders etc., as well as grease, control hinges and brackets should be checked after 5,000 kilometers at the latest. If the above mileages are not reached, the camper should be checked after a maximum of 1 year and after that, at least once per year. We also recommend that your Camper is checked and controlled for malfunction at your local distributor at least once a year.

Cleaning Your Hero Camper

We advise that your Camper is cleaned for pollutions such as salt, drizzle, grease and chemicals on a regular basis. This is usually done by ordinary washing and cleaning with auto-shampoo. Regular polishing of your Hero Camper is also recommended. This is done with paint /gelcoat sealer, and prolongs the shine and color on the surface – while making cleaning significantly easier. We recommend CPP (Clean-Polish-Protection).

Connecting Your Hero Camper

The connection to your camper must be opened and attached to the dragon ball with a push downwards. It will be closed and secured automatically. Don’t forget to check the connection each time you mount your camper – both visually and by lifting the dragon ball, to make sure that the clutch is in the correct position and is secured.

Safety Wire

The safety wire is mounted on the pulling vehicle, so your Hero Camper also by ekstreme curve driving has enough freedom without the stand break being activated.

The Lights on Your Camper

The light plug must be connected to the power socket on the pulling vehicle. The cable must be placed so that the camper does not tighten the cable to much – even in extreme curve angles. Don’t forget to check that the lights on your Camper is connected correctly and working before driving.

Disconnecting Your Hero Camper

Release the light plug from the pulling vehicle and place it in the socket holder. Release the safety wire from the pulling vehicle. Pull up the clutch handle, push forward and lift the clutch of the dragon ball. You can use the support wheel at the same time. 

Make sure you use the correct tire pressure

Hero Ranger

  • Wheel tightening torque (100 Nm).
  • Tirepressure: 265/65 R17, 34 PSI
  • Load index: Max. 112 (1120 kilos)
  • Speed index: Max. N (140 KmH)

Hero Traveller

  • Wheel tightening torque (100 Nm).
  • Tirepressure: 195/60 R15, 26.5 PSI
  • Load index: Max 90 (850 kilos)
  • Speed index: Max N (140 KmH)

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