Fenderboxes Set

Fenderboxes Set

RRP from
418.00  Excl. tax

Notice: Products are shown with recommended retail prices excluding local taxes, charges, and cost of transportation from Denmark to destination

The cool aluminum Hero fenderboxes are the perfect add-ons to your Hero Camper. Not only do they provide extra storage in a fix and elegant way, but they also match the fenders, and, are easy to handle, lockable and rugged. The Hero Fenderboxes will not be mounted at HeroCamper but are easy to install yourself on the Hero Camper (see installation guide below).

Availability: In stock


  • Fenderboxes set: 2 pcs.
  • Material: Aluminum
  • Bolts and nuts are included
  • 2 new reflectors for the Hero Camper are included
  • Mounting not included
  • All products that are not mounted by an authorized HeroCamper dealer are at your own risk


  • Volume: 114 L (57 L per fenderbox)
  • Height: 45 cm
  • Length: 60 cm
  • Width: 30 cm
  • Weight: 12 kg (6 kg per fenderbox)


Item number: HC.0255.A Categories: ,

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