Soft99 Neutral Shampoo Creamy Type 1 liter

Soft99 Neutral Shampoo Creamy Type 1 liter

RRP from
21.88 inkl. moms

Notice: Products are shown with recommended retail prices excluding local taxes, charges, and cost of transportation from Denmark to destination

This pH-neutral shampoo not only cleans but also makes it harder for dirt to cling to your HeroCamper over time. Its creamy foam is gentle yet powerful, removing dirt without leaving a greasy finish perfect for keeping your HeroCamper looking fresh and protected.

Made in Japan.

Availability: In stock

This pH-neutral shampoo, with its unique formula, not only cleans but also makes it harder for dirt to cling to the paint over time.

The creamy foam, is gentle on the HeroCamper, and effectively removes dirt. It leaves no greasy finish, making it ideal.

We recommend using this product on the HeroCamper.

Item number: 04280 Category:

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