Herocamper Aircondition 700W

Herocamper Aircondition 700W

RRP from
1,235.00  Excl. tax

Notice: Products are shown with recommended retail prices excluding local taxes, charges, and cost of transportation from Denmark to destination

The Herocamper Aircondition 700W is a smart and portable model that comes with a handle which makes it easy for you to move and use the Aircondition in multiple locations. The Herocamper Aircondition 700W is typically installed behind the backrest to save space for luggage in the gas box.




  • Cooling power: 700W
  • Color: White
  • Mounting location: Behind backrest
  • We only mount on Hero Campers
  • All products that are not mounted by an authorized HeroCamper dealer are at your own risk

Video: Herocamper Aircondition 700W


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