Standard Bracket for Robot Trolley

Standard Bracket for Robot Trolley

RRP from
153.00  Excl. tax

Notice: Products are shown with recommended retail prices excluding local taxes, charges, and cost of transportation from Denmark to destination

A standard bracket for Robot Trolley is included as standard with all Robot Trolley models. The bracket fits all Robot Trolley models (1500, 2500, 2500RS, 4500). The standard bracket can be adjusted between 47.5 and 90 cm when the bracket is mounted on a trailer.

Availability: In stock


  • Included as standard equipment in all Robot Trolley models
  • Tower fits all Robot Trolley models (1500, 2500, 2500RS, 4500)
  • Range of the standard bracket when mounted on a trailer is 47.5 – 90 cm


  • Weight: 5.6 kg
Item number: RT0112003 Categories: , , , ,

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